ADM's Office


Name Title Telephone Number
Anik Lalonde-Roussy (2019) Counsel 613-437-9395
Catheryne Cadieux (2020) Legal Assistant 613-437-6751
Evans Girard (2018) Manager and Senior Counsel 613-437-6484
George Barry (2016) Manager and Senior Counsel 613-437-6717
Holly Bell (2021) Case Processing Agent 343-551-8632
Judy Bourdeau (2021) Legal Assistant 613-437-9900
Katherine Richer (2020) Manager and Senior Counsel 613-437-6738
Laura Upans (2020) Counsel 613-437-8554
Lillian Agar-Ruane (2018) Counsel 613-437-6751
Linda Wilson (2018) Counsel 613-437-9369
Mélanie Turcotte (2017) Administrative Assistant 613-437-6712
Mélanie Pronovost (2021) Counsel
Nikolai Sittmann (2021) Parajuriste 613-437-9882
Suzie Bérard (2018) Counsel 613-437-6716