Office of the Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet


Name Title Telephone Number
Aneliya Nikolova (2021) Correspondence Officer 613-957-5471
Chantal Page Executive Assistant to the Chief of Staff Clerk's Office 613-957-5401
Christina Tegano (2021) Correspondence Officer 613-957-5211
Claudie Perreault (2022) Chief of Staff 613-957-5346
Danielle Gagnon (2019) Correspondence Coordinator 613-948-4240
Ian Shugart (2022) Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet 613-957-5400
Janice Charette (2023) Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet 613-957-5400
Jean-François Landry (2017) Office Assistant 613-957-5400
Jeffrey Bertrand (2023) Driver 613-282-1709
Jeremy Adler (2022) Chief of Staff 613-948-6595
Jo-Anne Bougie (2020) Acting office manager 613-957-5606
Julie McDermott Supervisor, Correspondence Unit 343-549-0214
Laurie-Anne Kempton (2020) Chief of Staff 613-957-5346
Lena Tobin (2020) Office Manager 613-957-5606
Michael Wernick (2019) Clerk of the Privy Council and Secretary to the Cabinet 613-957-5400
Natalie Leclair Manager, Office Operations 343-549-1106
Nathalie Cousineau (2022) Correspondence Coordinator 613-948-4240
Roxanne Kyle Executive Assistant 613-957-5403
Stuart Fee (2023) Chief of Staff 613-957-5318