Department for Women and Gender Equality

Organization Structure



Name Title Telephone Number
Chantal Lajeunesse (2018) Ministerial Services Assistant 819-420-6803
Diane Fournier (2019) Special Assistant/Project Associate for the Deputy Minister 819-420-6802
Greg White (2018) 819-420-6867
Jean-François Roy (2017) Parliamentary Affairs Officer 819-420-6803
Jodie Ross (2017) Ministerial Services Assistant 819-420-6807
Marianne Goodwin (2017) Departmental Liaison 819-420-7043
Meena Ballantyne (2017) Head of Agency 819-420-6801
Nadia Ferrara (2019) Departmental Liaison 819-420-7043
Véronique D'Aoust (2016) Senior Executive Assistant to the Coordinator/Head 819-420-6802