Workplace Harassment and Violence Prevention Division


Name Title Telephone Number
Andrea Loder Advisor, Harassment and Violence Prevention and Resolution 343-542-8663
Charlène Janvier (2022) Director, Worklace Harassment and Violence Prevention Division 343-203-3774
Crystèle Hage (2024) Program Advisor 343-574-6667
Émilie Bisson (2023) Advisor, Values and Ethics 343-540-6227
Gregori Zbitnoff Senior Advisor
Guillaume Séguin Director 343-203-3775
Laurence Bien-Aime Senior Advisor, Values and Ethics 613-219-1584
Patrick Ryan Values and Ethics Manager 343-999-9999
Patrick Martel (2023) Senior Advisor - Values and Ethics 613-203-3780
Tanya Carrière Values & Ethics Advisor 343-203-3773